17 January 2006

California ID suit settled

A rural CA school district that intended to use ID as the subject for a philosophy class, has settled with parents who sued them claiming that the class would be used to teach a religious ideology to students. NBC.com posted an article here.

The teacher of the class was also the wife of a local minister. In a letter that she wrote to a local newspaper she said, "I believe this is the class that the Lord wanted me to teach."

Well, okay then... I think their (at least her) motives are pretty clear. Chalk up another, albeit small, victory for science.

Since it's clear that the ID proponents are going to fairly well lose their ass when it comes to shoe-horning ID into science classes, I expect too see more attempts to "teach the controversy". In this case, their effort consisted of moving ID into a philosophy class in which the curriculum consisted only of videos that purportedly presented creationist ideology as science.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It always amazes me the Xtians just don't get it. The vast majority of Americans do not want their kids to be taught religion in public schools.

These very same Xtians would be up in arms if there were classes teaching Islam or Wicca in the public schools. they can't have it both ways.

With a church on every corner, and tons of private schools, what is their problem? I guess they just want a religious state like Iran.


January 17, 2006 at 2:00:00 PM MST  
Blogger Schtacky said...

Follow up:
Charles Haynes of the First Amendment Center wrote a piece that gives some more insight into the history of this case. It can be viewed here: http://www.coshoctontribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060124/OPINION02/601240335/1014

I find it interesting that one of the speakers that the teacher had "planned" to invite to speak on behalf of the theory of evolution died in 2004. Obviously, they did a great deal of research while developing their curriculum.

January 31, 2006 at 2:35:00 PM MST  

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